How come some movies back up fine and some have skips? I tried to back up a adult movie and it asked for parental code on my laptop and wouldn't play at all(blue screen) in my dvd player. I am using dvd cloner 3. I have the anydvd program also. I noticed on underworld it had so many skips that I just threw the disk in the garbage, on final dest and, history of voilence it skipped all the killing scenes(bloody parts). What gives? Is it the dvd cloner program or something I am doing?
that could be one of the problems but more often skips, pixelations, and freezes are due to the media you use. Using good media will stop these situations most of the time. Then if you get a problem like this you will know it's not the media but the software, but everything starts out with using good media! Here is a media guide that will help you understand what's good and what's not so good: download DVDInfo Pro to find out what media you have: Just keep in mind, the next time you go out to buy media: [bold] buy the good stuff---MADE IN JAPAN[/bold]. Verbatim is also good and that's top notch, made in Taiwan/Singapore, the only exception to the MIJ rule! Also another thing is to keep your firmware up to date so you can burn most media that's out there. Firmware is programming that is inserted into a programmable memory area of your drive, thus becoming a permanent part of a drive. This 'software' is called firmware and can be updated with a firmware flasher. Every company has its own methods to allow you to do a firmware upgrade. A firmware upgrade can add new functionality to your drive. Also bug fixes and improvements are done by firmware upgrades. To find you firmware go to your burner homepage and find the firmware for you make and model. If you follow these suggestions you'll find out that your problems with skipping, pixelations, and freezings will be a thing of the past!
Im with Ihoe on this one, it is probably ur media. What brand of media r u using? use what Ihoe said in his post.
I am using nexxtech and tdk + and -. Why won't it play back the adult dvd I backed-up? When I put it in my dvd player it did nothing but when I put it in my computer it asked for a parental password? I am not very computer literate and need to find a program that is the easiest for backing up dvd's. I also have a video ipod and was wondering how hard it is to put movies on it. Please advise me of my best route. That is the whole reason I got the dvdcloner 3, it said 1 click and whaola.......not that easy . Thank You!
here is some interesting reading for clone3 (dont blame me im just the messenger) ..