Getting frustrated with trying to back up 360 games.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by zaydenzer, Jun 16, 2009.

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  1. zaydenzer

    zaydenzer Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    So, up until the last few weeks, I've been able to back up 360 games and play them no problem. But, as of late, I've been having trouble being able to burn them. I think it stems from a problem with my burner. Usually it says it's "writing session 1. Writing layer 0. Writing layer 1." But now, it's only "writing session 1," and I think it's not automatically burning two layers properly. I haven't changed my hardware since when I've started. I've tried verbatim discs, but I get the same success rate even from cheap blank media. I'm still burning it at 2.4x. I've tried both clonecd, and imgburn with a layer break set at 1913760. And the DVD file looks, for the most part, correct. I've included the log. So, if anyone can help, that'd be super appreciated.

    And if this is in the wrong forum, would you kindly move it to the right one.

    I 10:44:02 AM CloneCD Version started!
    I 10:44:02 AM ElbyCDIO Driver
    I 10:44:02 AM ElbyCDIO.dll
    I 10:44:02 AM CCDDriver.dll
    I 10:44:02 AM ElbyECC.dll
    I 10:44:02 AM WriteDVD.dll
    I 10:44:02 AM Registered to: ---
    I 10:44:02 AM Searching for SCSI/ATAPI devices...
    I 10:44:02 AM Device Scan found 0 CD-ROMs and 2 CD-Writers!
    I 10:44:51 AM Starting copy from C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.YOUR-6DD1854D0F\Desktop\Red Faction Guerrilla\Red Faction Guerrilla.dvd to HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE20LU10
    I 10:44:51 AM Write Speed: 2x
    I 10:44:51 AM Writing Session 1 LeadIn...
    I 10:45:20 AM Writing Session 1 image file...
    I 11:24:29 AM Writing Session 1 LeadOut...
    I 11:25:46 AM Duration of operation: 00:40:55
    I 11:25:46 AM Average Speed: 3118 kBytes/s (2.31)
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Please look/post in the xbox 360 forum
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