Hello people I have aquired a lap top (no not stolen before you think it) but when I start it up I have to log on to windows (not Cmos) but do not know the password. Is there anyway of getting past this or disabling it?
I don't really know much at all about this...but a few things to try: do you have hint thing? look at that and take a guess? Also (i have no idea if this works) but start in safe mode (tab f8 during bootup) and there will be the administrator account...try putting in administator for the password and sometimes that works...then you can create your own account and log in or something...not sure about any of that i just remember it from something
I agree with ofolion ya go to safe mode and log in as admin and the remove the old profile and then restart the pc. and then that should log u straight into windows without any password screen. If you want to set up one you can do so one u have logged in normally first without the password the got to accounts and create another new account.
Meh. At the login screen press ctrl+alt+del twice. It should popup the traditional window. username is: "Administrator" minus the quotes By default there is NO password for the admin account, so try that, or admin, or administrator. Or safemode works too, but I hate safemode. Lol.
Try this (appologize in advanced if it doesn't work) Boot in safe mode and then do what TomMelee siad to do "ctrl+alt+delete twice" then: 1.Click Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools. 2.Click Computer Management. 3.Double click Local Users and Groups, double click the folder Users. 4.Right click on the account name that is locked out, and click on Set Password. 5.You may get a warning message about changing the password, simply click proceed. 6.Leave the New Password box blank, also leave the Confirm Password box blank. 7.Click OK, and OK again. 8.Then close all Windows, reboot the system and try to log in.
Thanks for all the replys people but I have to report back that none of the above worked for me :-( When I boot in safe mode I still get taken to the windows log on screen and why I try the Ctrl Alt Delete twice and enter Admin or Administrator as the username it still does not let me in. Also tried this method not in safe mode and still got denied.
Hrm. Go here and look @ the options @ the bottom: http://www.petri.co.il/forgot_administrator_password.htm
Either do that, or download Hiren's BootCD(free utility disc), and use it's password recovery tools to either retrieve or delete the passwords.