i have all the mods on that i want and everything but i want to create a xbox live account but i can get to the xbox dashboard to create it. one thing i tryed was went on halo 2 and went to xbox live and register new account but that took me to a screen that said "Service required. Call Customer Support" and in the top left had a number 21. it also says that every time i turn the xbox on with no disk or the drive open. i can still play games on it though. so does anyone no how i could get the dashboard back to i can create an xbox live account ?? if u do could u email me the answers at future_soccer_pro29@yahoo.com
First off I suggest taking out your email before you get banned. Second of all you may need to go into your linux installer and patch the Microsoft dashboard if you backed it up. Then you may need a different linux file that doesn't involve installing a new dashboard.
thanks for telling me the email thing what do u mean by going into my linux installer and patch it up lol sry just started doing this like 2 days ago. and when u say different linux file do u mean like the unleashedx, or the evox ?
Ok well first off, you need to run a game exploit with Splinter Cell, Mech Assault, or Bond. You need to pop in the game you used and load up the Run Linux file. You then need to look for like Patch MS dashboard or something like that. Then once that is done you should have your dashboard back. Then say you used itools, or SID, or something like that. You need to find another that allows FTP access without installing a new dashboard like Evolution X or Unleash X!
are u talking about going and pressing a on MS dashboard ? cause if u are i tryed it and it starts up the game and if i dont have a game in the xbox it takes me to the screen that says call customer support.
i found this thing called boxplorer. could i delete everything from there ? like all the mod things and just start over and make sure i do everything right ?
I have no idea what your talking about. Just run the linux exploit and choose the uninstall softmod then the restore ms dashboard!