I recently got a radeon 9600xt 256mb GFX card that goes into my AGP slot. The problem is when I fit in it, it does not let my monitor turn on, it stays on stand-by. I tried to just insert the GFX card in the AGP slot and not connect ANY cables to it but still my monitor would not turn on.
what is the make & model # of your motherboard?? is your motherboard capable of running a 8x agp card voltage wise in the agp slot which is about 1.5volts
or howbout just the fact that the psu might not be able to suport it (my mums pc brought only a year ago only has a psu with a rated power of 90w so)
If the graphics card you put in can't be handled by your PSU, then it will cause the monitor to stay with an orange or flashing green LED, as opposed to a green one and you won't see a picture. However, if there is a power related problem you will usually hear about it, as with no graphics driver installed, you should hear several loud beeps in the BIOS and the pc will be unlikely to boot. There are also two AGP voltages, the older one and a newer one. If a new card is plugged into an old style AGP slot, then the card may not function as the voltage being sent to it is too low, check the date of your system build in the bios (should appear at the bottom of the screen straight after you turn the pc on, the same image as where you either see Award or American megatrends).
yes that is exactly what happens to me (light stays on orange and doesn't turn ot green) but I do have an inbuild gfx card (which is pretty crappy) so I don't get the beeping noise.. So I guess this is my problem. is there any way to increase my PCU?
Only by buying another one... they're not too expensive, you should easily be able to afford a replacement.