I just got a burner and it came with sonic dvd software. Does anyone know how I could make a small gif clip from an existing DVD (not just a picture, but sometimes you see them that contain a few seconds of video). thanks
Gif's are usually authored by individuals and artists so you will need to either get a gif authoring software to make one yourself, or just search the web for Gif's that can be saved to your folders. Beware that most gif's are copyrighted so be careful on how you use them. For either do a google search. You would be pushing the limits to make a gif of any given disc , and again there would be copyright isssues.
Is the clip your wanting to copy already in gif file format and if not what is the ext. and are you wanting to change this clip to a gif?
thanks for the repsonses. To be specific, I watched to mma events this weekend and on a forum I saw someone post two great gif pictures (like a few seconds of video) and I would like to make one from the other event that I recorded off of TV on a dvd-r recorder. Just to email friends. not sure who made the other gifs. thanks
GIF's are animations of single frames put together to create an animated file. Therefore you cannot create a GIF from a video clip unless you can capture selected single frames from that clip. I suggest you find out more about what a GIF file actually is - this software which has a free trial, will enable you to create a GIF file: http://www.crayonsoft.com/animation_ad.html Otherwise think about creating a video clip in avi format to attach to an email, but this could only be very short as emails are size limited, though this is all about to change.