Goddamn Realplayer!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Bitcount, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. Bitcount

    Bitcount Guest

    To avoid any further emberassment, i admit to having realplayer on my hard drive, there, i said it.

    Anywho, the problem is, i cant delete it because it does not seem to have a delete function. Windows Add/remove programs can't delete it either, and if i reinstall on top of it, i still get no delete options. Even if i delete the folder and all the shortcuts, it will still be in my computer, and i am reluctant to go into my registry because im afraid of killing my OS. anybody run into this before? because i need help.

    The only reason i have the thing have was to listen to some streaming audio.
  2. gotisos

    gotisos Guest

    you could try checking these tweak utilities, they list what you have installed, so you should be able to easily remove it by going into add-remove, once you've installed the program

    http://tweaknow.com/ they are pretty kewl programs, and should let you be rid of that awful real player program on ur HD, lol!!

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