Google Earth Picture

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by hderv1, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. hderv1

    hderv1 Guest

    I have not used Google Earth for somewhile but now when I open it, it shows only the heavens...not the earth. Have downloaded the new version through Afterdawn but it doesn't work either. What to do if anything.
  2. ThaDon09

    ThaDon09 Member

    Mar 14, 2009
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    When you open up Google Earth, trying clicking on the VIEW Tab, towards the top of the window.. then click on Switch to EARTH from there. should solve your problem..
    ____[File - Edit - VIEW - Tools - Add - Help]____
    __________Switch to Earth
  3. hderv1

    hderv1 Guest

    Well, I did what you said but in "View" or any other listing on my toolbar there is no "Switch to Earth" item....any further suggestions? I re-downloaded Google Earth before I did what you suggested.


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