My Google has been strange lately. I use Firefox, it has the small url box in the top right corner. So when I put in a link, Google would pop up but the link is not in the supposed link, it's just bolded black fonts. Before, when I do similar searches, Google would give me the link that is possible to what I'm looking for, along with Cached, Similar Pages..etc. I don't see that anymore. Here's to show you what I'm talking about: It's the link for the thread in this section titled "OOOOMMMMMMGGGGGG... my computer is goin to die if i dont get help" and Google can't find it. I tried Yahoo search too but nothing.
I get the same thing when searching what you did. That's just the way search engines are. One day you can search "search" in Google and get 150,000,000 results, but the next day you do the same search and get 200,000,000 results. Seach engines are not accurate, they search randomly and find what they can in a limited amount of time.