ok. i downloaded the net.framing,dothalo and i am going to attempt to mod halo2 after i get it to download on my hdd correctly 1st. but my ? is what exactly does it do to the maps after i mod them? will there be something different that i will notice from the getgo?what and where do i get the ppf from? i click on the apply ppf patch and i dont see anything, so do i have to make a ppf and if so how do i make them?? thanks for the replies and i will keep ya's posted on how it turns out. seems that i have'nt read any success stories about it. well later ya'll add
how about some help on this one guys?? i read the halo2 modding tut to the T, i can get wright where i need to be but i still need more info on this ppf thing.. thanks later add
OK first off you dont put dothalo or .net framework on your xbox. Anyway you need to softmod your xbox using softmod installer deluxe(you can find how to use this in other forums) but when you mod your xbox all your doing is making it so that you can FTP maps into your xbox. So basically to mod you need to get the softmod installed go into your modded dashboard, then on your computer which should be hooked to a router along with your xbox use FlashFXP to extract the new halo 2 maps from your xbox then make a folder and put them in there and then make a another folder and label it backup maps u must always do this for ne thing u edit. well ne ways go to dothalo on your comp and clic open map, then you can edit, if you have no idea how to do this then i suggest you send me a PM with your email and ill give you some mods, that include spawn, weapon, and vehicle mods. When you get these mods go to dothalo and have the map for the PPF, then click apply ppf and then select the map that the mod is for (i will have them labeled) and then go to the .ppf file and then click apply and then go to save changes, then go to CMR(if you dont have this go to halomaps.com) then open the map and fix encryption. Then on your xbox go to your modded dashboard and FTP the maps back and click overwrite. make sure u put the maps bac in the right place. Also pm me and i can tell you some basic dothalo mods u can make yourself
thanks messyxbox... i will pm you tomorrow after i get home from work with my email addy.. my xbox is already softmodded w/evox and an 80gig hdd. i have been trying to put halo2 on the hdd and it will go until i get an error and will not load like 5 files then the game will get a dirty disk error when i run it off the hdd. thanks and i will get the pm to ya soon.. later add
Please Please Please i am trying to get mods halo2. i got mechassault and action repla. i had the ftp connection but it expired. i ca n get it again but it will only last for 30 days. if you can help me i will give you 3 three months cards. send me email at jones7176@bellsouth.net or my gamertag is whatshappnin.