Hi all, Wonder if anyone could advise I've recently purchased a PS3 simply for veiwing Blu-Rays, a LG 37LF65 full HD TV and a Onkyo TXSR605 1080p Amp. I have the PS3 connected to the amp via HDMI then from there to the TV. The problem I'm having is that the Blu-Ray movies don't seem to look that great (grainy) especially Spider-man 3 which I've heard looks superb. I don't know much about what settings I should have them all set to even after reading manuals. Could anyone advise to which settings I should have them all set to to get the quality I should be getting?? Thanks to all for any advise
Thanks david66, but would you know why they could be looking like this?? even though you say there is nothing I can do to change it.
Hello, I have spiderman 3 blu ray playing on a PS3 , by coincidence I watched it tonight and it did look superb, no grains. Whilst I am no expert , the first thing I would do is unplug the amp and connect the HDMI cable directly from the PS3 to the TV, does it still look grainy ?
Its called film grain. And is exactly how the director intended it. Grain is actually added in many movies (Ie 300) to add a gritty or old feel to the movie. HD just allows you to see the film grain better. If there is film grain on the original master, it better be in the HD version. If not, it means the production house used filters and EE to enhance (Butcher) the original film.