My Radeon X800 has been giving me a problem for the past week. I brought it too a friends house and plugged my monitor cable in, it's not showing the computer booting up. I tightened the card and pushed the wire to the monitor as hard as I can. I've left it on for the past hour and nothing has appeared on my monitor. Help please. Also, I got it to work last night after an hour of unplugging and plugging it back in, not sure what I did EXACTLY..
I unplugged all my RAM it didn't help my problem. In the morning i'll take everything apart. But this happened before and I didn't need to unplug anything but the monitor cable.
LOL, I got that samething about two time ago, it normally happen when you put the computer on hibernate and try working on the inside(like taking out the card), but maybe yours is different. Try this, take out the card then put the comp on(thats if you have onboard video driver) and uninstal the graphics card driver, turn off the comp put it in and turn it on(make sure you unplug the power cord,lol). See what happens, some motherboards have a option in the bios to change which display card to use, that can be the problem to. Try it out, if it dont work let me know and I can see what else I can think of.
try reseting the cmos by removing the cell battery on the mobo, and wait for like 10 mins. or short circuit the thing with a paperclip or something for like 2 min....when its done, put the cell bat. back into place, and see what happens, if not, it could be your ram....or maybe your bios is all messed up and you might need repairs on it..... but other than that, can you post the hardware specifications on here so we can have an idea whats going on....for ex. the brand of memory your using, brand and type of vid card, mobo, cpu , and all that other good stuff...cuz sometimes some mobos cant run certain me , i gone through with that issue with an AM2 mobo and memory issue..
Hey guys, I got it working, it's just the pins inside my video card are pushed allllll the way back and I need to push the monitor cable in really hard for it to start working. Thanks guys!