Has anyone seen this documentary? I just watched it and that guy was a friggin fruitloop! For those of you not familar he was the idiot that played with the bears in Alaska and got himself and his girlfriend eaten by them a few years back and the audio part of whole feast was caught on tape. I never knew details about the guy until this show and quickly learned he was a flat out weirdo under the delusion that nancing around the forest with bears was in some way saving them. He was a seriously effeminate version of Steve Irwin - very annoying. After watching it I can't believe the guy didn't get eaten earlier. He had the brilliant idea to set up his camp between the bears and the river during the salmon season so the bears, who at this time are at their most aggressive trying to fatten up for the winter, have to walk right through his camp on their way to the river. WTF kind of idiot does that and expects to NOT get thrashed? They interviewed some of his wacko friends too. They were incredulous that everyone wanted to hear the audio of him and the girl getting eaten. Duh! There's a large part of the non-idiot portion of society that rather enjoys hearing dummies get eaten by bears! Then they were whining about how wrong it was everyone saying he deserved it and got what was coming to him. I could only hope to have friends like that stick up for me when I walk out on the highway in front of a Kenworth truck and everyone calls me dumb for it. If we as the human race keep breeding people like them we're doomed. There's way too little Darwinism applied to the human race anymore but at least it still happens once in a while.
Ironically the bear (and another one) was shot and killed by the authorities because it was protecting the bodies so ultimately the guy got two bears killed.
Shouldn't this be in The Offical Movie Thread? It truly is amazing how he lived with them for so long. Many say and still say he was crazy, but that's what he wanted. I remember hearing a quote from him saying that if they were to kill him that's the way he wanted it to be. Nephilim, I must disagree with you! You calling him an idiot isn't fair! And calling his friends "wacko" isn't fair either. That is what he wanted! He chose to live with them because of his love for them. With all due respect, calling him an idiot makes you no better! He loved what he done and did it because he loved them. I find him to be very brave! I personally wouldn't do it, but i respect him for his devotion. Edit: typo's
And i say that anyone trying to defend such dillusional nutcases needs to be locked up or fed to the bears...
Niobis, he wasn't brave but sure was stupid!! you never get between a wild animal & it's food source because you will pay for it.
Funny Post. I was hooked on this movie as I waited for him to get crunched, but i have to agree he was not an "idiot", but a fruit-loop.... YES!!!! Good moive - i recommend it as there's some good footage.
I'm sticking to my guns on this one - the guy was fruitloop and more specifically he was a fruitloop egomaniac. For me the most telling part of the film was his long, mostly unsubstantiated, foul mouthed, childish rant against the Forest Service and goverment. The way he saw himself as some lone super savior to those bears is an egomaniac feeding an inner need. Here's a beautiful example, I heard him say it in the movie and he thought it would be a beautiful thing. Think about it though, he knew just as well as anyone that any bear that kills a human will be tracked down and killed so his statement clearly shows me that martyrdom is more important to him than a bear's life. He was in it for personal gratification more than anything else and his actions were incredibly detrimental to the bears. I'm going to list a couple things and I'd like someone, anyone to tell me how, while he was doing them, they were in anyone's best interest other than his own, He acclimated wild bears to humans. Through his films he showed the world what a neat and noble thing it was to screw with wild animals. He purposely created the best possible situation for a bear attack that got himself, his girlfriend and ultimately two bears killed. Mine and your understanding of the term brave are very different. To me brave is a fireman saving folks from burning to death, brave is a police officer risking his neck each night for the rest of us, brave is a soldier dragging an injured brother to safety under fire. My definition of stupidity on the other hand is knowingly creating a situation that takes three lives with you. I'm not trying to slam you or belittle your thoughts and if you get that impression I'm sorry.
Nephilium; I personally rented this movie a while back and saw it.....I must say that it was an incredibly good movie despite how stupid Timothy Tredwell was to go into the 'maze' and act like the bears were his friends when they were really just waiting 'till one was hungry enough.....but my most favorite part out of the whole movie is when you see him talking about the expedition coming to an end but then he starts to get all pi**ed at the park service; from then on it's just histerically funny because the narrator's voice comes in when in the background you can here the guy swearing left and right.......if this scene would have been on t.v.; man ; the FCC would be pretty mad!!! That's all I gotta say man!!! --Overall; I found this to be a great movie with great cinematography; and also a EXTREMELY friggin' funny one;;;; I HIGHLY reccomend this to anyone.....I promise you; you don't have to be a 'nature lover' in order to enjoy this movie;;;;!!!!
I agree it was a very well made film - it had to be because it was the work of the legendary Werner Herzog
the dude might have "thought" he wanted to die that way, but i'm sure as he saw his inards in gentle ben's mouth he had a change of heart.
I thought it was an excellent movie. It's true the guy's elevator didn't go all the way to the penthouse, but that was part of the charm. This is a good one too, old but still good...no psycho's in this one. http://imdb.com/title/tt0437806/plotsummary
when i go camping at the lake, i always take my .357 or glock. ive seen a few bears, i think they smell the grill or something and come looking for food. one pop in the air and they take off in the other direction. if bears where my thing i think i would take some type of defense. ahhhhh. but then again i have a life.