Just thought I'd try to raise awareness of a kick ass piece of software for Series 60 Symbian phones, Eg: Nokia N70. It's called "Guardian", what it does is run when your mobile boots up & if anyone has put a sim card into your phone that has not been authorised by you then it will send a text message to a pre specified number of your own choosing. Included in the sms is the persons Sim Card No, IMEI No, IMSI No, Cell No, Area Code, Country Code and Operator...and obviously the persons phone number. It is password protected and cannot be erased be doing a factory restore or by doing a hard reset. Ooh, one of the new features that are activated after donating(ugh) is that you can send commands to your phone and lock it/delete everything. But the best of all it's [bold]FREE[/bold].even though you have to donate to activate some extra features ...still works without donating though. If anyone is interested feel free to pm me and I'll give you the address
I just installed Guardian and donated to the author. I tested and the SMS notification system works great. However, I am having a heck of a time getting the plug-ins to work. My fear is that the author intended your next phone to be an S60 device as well. I can't figure out why the "thief" would be able to access the Guardian Commander program (on the stolen phone), as it is not hidden. I sent a test text to delete all SMS messages, but the phone simply read the text and that was it. I did follow protocol for the message. Any input or help would be appreciated, Thanks SB
I haven't donated so I am using the version that don't support the commands. as for the password thing, you have to tell guardian to use a pass or it won't bother.