This guide explains how create upto five [bold]‘On the Go Smart Playlists’[/bold] for the iPod & iTunes. Whilst a track is playing, if you press the centre button on the click wheel, you get access to different options. 1 click = Scrolls through the track 2 clicks = Displays the Artwork – Full Screen 3 clicks = Rates the track When the five dots appear, you can use the click wheel to give it a star rating between 1 – 5. To compliment this, you need to go into iTunes and create a [bold]‘Smart Playlist’[/bold] with a title of your choice. [bold]Go to File – New Smart Playlist[/bold] and Create a rule that states, [bold]“My Rating”[/bold] is then a number of Stars. Give your Smart Playlist a Name / Function or Genre etc. The example here is a 5 Star (House) playlist, but you can have others for The Gym, The Car etc. You may also want to choose [bold]My Rating[/bold] as a column option from the iTunes [bold]‘Edit – View Options’[/bold] menu. Then each time you synchronise your iPod, the Playlist will update with your newly rated choons. I find this really useful when shuffling my entire collection. When I hear something I like that I want to add to a playlist whilst on the go. I simply give it a star rating. I find this works much better than the iPod’s actual [bold]‘On The Go’[/bold] playlist, which requires you to navigate into the track listings. Hope this is of use to someone.