Guide to starview help

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by fergusrb, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    All starview help available here
  2. liamo

    liamo Guest

    how goes im new to all this i bought starview few weeks ago i got a bad flash now when i turn it on i get 4 flashing lights then it freezes i have tried re flashing new files if i press download wait few seconds before turning on at the back i can get it to start downloading when it gets to about 98% lights on box freeze and flash burning appers after about 20 sec. flash update fail appers have done this 5 r 6 times is there anything i can do to fix this problem ?
  3. eamo32

    eamo32 Regular member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    Hi liamo, you could try to download a copy of the firmware file again. It sounds like
    the one you have may be corrupted, sometimes happens during download.
    Check out the top link under fergus post, lots of info in there.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2007
  4. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

  5. gladface

    gladface Guest

    I wonder if any kind soul could help me... I have a clone starview and have tried to jtag it myself without much success... I have followed the diagrams posted here on this site and am almost 100% sure everything is wired up properly but my one problem is in determining where the VCC connection goes once it is soldered to C40 in the box... could anyone help... Please...
    ps,,, I have tried reactivating the box via the jkeys with the six soldered connections I have already made (minus the VCC) and nothing happens at all...

    MAINAMN Active member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    give fergusrb a PM . he knows about jtaging !

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