OK i'v been to AllXboxSkins.com got a few hacked dasboards for msdash but aint sure how to get them on my box, also how do i change the options on the dash from XBOX LIVE to HARD DRIVE?????
ok youll have to ftp to your dashboard (if there not the same) and replace them if they are the same you have to just ftp in and save the skins and then go into your dash and pick skins (im not sure on this one really iv never tried it im just thinking )
how do i install the dash i got, its a normal folder with two jpegs and some xpr files, and xml document anda png image and a wmv/wma file. what do i do with it.
wait explain to me whatyou have and then what you want to edit because im kinda got confused but idk if its u or me so youll have to explain better
i downloaded a dash from that website (its called trefner 1 and its an unleashx one) and it came as a rar so i unrared it and i got a normal folder with the following files inside: blue-swirl.jpeg loading.jpeg preview wmv/wma shadows 3.png skin.xml document square-10.pxr square-12.pxr. now how do i go from there to having it as my dashboard?
well i think that you would replace that stuff with the old skin or maybe just tranfer it and have it like a backup or something idk i didnt get any extra skins when i softmodded back in march