How difficult is it to hack the Ipod Firmware to change what buttons do? Specificaly the 2G Shuffle - currently their is no physical HOLD button you need to press and hold the PLAY key for 3 seconds. It does have an OFF button. Can I make it so that the OFF button sends the HOLD command and pressing/holding PLAY will send the OFF command? Also you can return to the first track by pressing PLAY-PLAY-PLAY - I would like to have that command executed when you press the LEFT(back) key once. I have only a highschool understanding of programming and coding but if theres guides or FAQs out there and it wouldnt take more than say 20 to 40 hours of researching how the firmware works, I would definitely be interested in learning.
IF you do it I hope you got an A in those classes because you rely would need to know your way around things, I would say it wouldn't be worth it. Personal opnion though