hahah, hang on a minute, image shack being a bitch - try double clicking the red x's, or right-click & view
no worky 4 me.................. unless i forgot how to view an image. oh wait, i forgot, i'm still a noob !! you got the settings all screwed up
Nice jack o`lantern. Look and see what I spent 3 hours on last night after getting drunk! She's a beaut, keeps me warm in the winter, LOL Happy Halloween to all!
waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy tooo much.... here's a drunk pumpkin for you.. [image]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a378/thelox714/drunk-pumpkin.jpg[/image]
then i'm sure you got to do this one too... [image]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a378/thelox714/FunnyPart-com-pumpkin.jpg[/image] i luv google
i think we found him.. [image]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a378/thelox714/44osama-bin-pumpkin.jpg[/image]
I'm cracking up(my sides are killing me). Saugmon I almost died laughing. I'm sure that pun you used was intended, ie what you were WORKING on for 3hrs. @Glitched Quote: 'Damn these pics are hillarious,especially that fat guy ahahahahah,who would do that?' I'm hoping that I'm wrong about this, but would the 'fat guy' that U R referring to, be the one in the pic from Saugmon's post. Coz if it is I think that supposed to be a female.
LOL @jamzbond your keen sense of being able to pinpoint an obviously BLATANT mistake has just MADE MY NIGHT~! that was THE FUNNIEST thing i have read ALL day here on AD~ thanks for making me laugh so hard...it's the "little things" that amuse me, the stuff that most people just overlook, glad you caught it as i sure as heck did before getting to your post~ LOL happy halloween everyone! DocTY~
LMFAO! I'm still cracking laughing up about that pic! Just an email my dad sent me with some of my fancy editing. You aught to have seen my girlfriends face when I showed her that Pic!