Halo 1 Backup Problems

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by PacShady, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. PacShady

    PacShady Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    Hey guys

    Trying to backup my copy of Halo, but the backup DVD doesn't want to work. When I try to load it, it just shows black screen and freezes.

    I'm running NDURE softmod with Unleash X. The game copied fine to the hard drive and works perfectly fine from there, but because I still have an original hard drive that doesn't leave me with a whole lot of room. I'm using Craxion 4 to copy the DVD from the XBox and patching the XBE's before making the ISO. I've been able to copy at least one other game using this same method which worked fine (Alien Hominid).

    Anything I'm missing?

  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    probably something to do with either craxtion (a buggy app at the best of times) or the disk you burned to.

    First thing to do is try ripping your burn to the hdd and seeing if it will play from there... If it works that way you need to find different (ritex G05) media.

    If that doesn't work.. have a play with the game region settings.. default or auto.. and if theres still no joy then you need to look at using something else to make the xiso..

    Halo is an old game.. there shouldn't be any problem (apart from craxtion behaving in it's usual spyware reporting back with ms visual basic dependency.. netstat when it is running shows some very interesting ip's)

    foolproof xiso and patcher app?.. cloneXB
  3. Swango

    Swango Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    Try using qwix 101 and DO NOT PATCH. I used qwix with no patch and mine plays fine. Just "create ISO" from qwix into a folder on your PC then use DVD decrypter to burn the ISO onto a disc. Halo 1 and 2 both work without a patch so dont patch them. Halo 2 was slightly over 4.7 gb though so theres some multiplayer files that need removed. I wont go into all of it since you are asking bout HALO 1.

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