Halo 1 mods

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by pingy34, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    i put halo 1 on my hardrive i was wondering if neone could help me mod it or just teach me how to make my own mods.thanks.
  2. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Go to http://www.halomaps.com

    Here is what I did w/ some of my Halo maps...

    Used Halo Map Editor v1.2 to change what shoots out of each gun. I had Needlers shooting out of the warthog, Sniper shots being fired w/ the SMG, frags being shot w/ the needler, Warthog shots being fired w/ the plasma, and stuff like that.

    Used SparkEdit v3.02 to edit the terrain of each map. I changed where all of the guns were, moved around rocks to make nice sniping spots, changed where the spawn points were, threw in warthog guns all over and so on.

    One thing that I had trouble w/ that I know you most likely will to is that you must save the map as compressed w/ sparkedit after you get done making your map. You newly modidified map will need to be the same exact size as the original map, or it will not load correctly.

    It took me a few hours to get used to the programs, but they are relatively easy to use. You can build an enire map by yourself, or completely customze a map yourself using Hex Editer, but that is NOT a fun program to get into, trust me!

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