Halo 2 Backup Wont Load Correctly Please Help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by fuctoj, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. fuctoj

    fuctoj Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    ok, i made a complete backup of halo 2, i did it the way where you make a raw dump using iso buster and clone cd, after i made a raw dump, i burned it to a disc (DVD+R DL), at speed 2x-2.4x and to load it on my xbox i hotswap, if i hotswap during the opening theme, it brings me to the loading screen, and goes to 100% then says dirty disc, BUT if i do it the other way i can actually play it, BUT when im in pregame lobby and i hotswap with my backup disc and start game, it loads my backed up disc on the map, BUT when i change map, ALL other maps fail, now if i want to change map and play it on my backedup h2 disk i have to put my original h2 disk back in, then change map, then put my backed up one in, then i can only load that map, so prettey much i can only load one map at a time, can someone please help maybe tell me what i did wrong and how to fix it, or if i just need to make another raw dump, Thanks for the help
  2. squeakyyy

    squeakyyy Guest

    what kind of xbox disc drive do you have? i was wondering because i was having the same problem (the tutorial specified to use a samsung b drive) and i eventually just decided to try to use a samsung A and it loaded right up!

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