i do i make the files i picked from halo 2 that i downloaded from my halo 2 disk work when i download them to my xbox?? i have no idea
If you haven't upgraded your Xbox hard drive then there is no way you can fit the whole game on your Xbox. You could always back the game up and burn it to DVD which will require a softmod or a modchip but if you haven't' upgraded your hard drive then the game won't fit. -Mike
To make a backup of the game, yes that's what I meant. You can use Qwix. Simply use an FTP program to send the files from the game (located in the D:\ drive) and use Qwix to create the ISO then burn it with ImgBurn. Nero or DVD Decrypter. -Mike
I asked my brother this question and he made me his own form of DSH2 (Damn Small Halo 2) which has no campaign or loading videos. Saves room and is perfect for multiplayer. If you wanted to mod on campaign just use a Trainer and the Halo 2 disc.
no i just want to mod the multiplayer old maps (i want to use the gravity gun on couag) how did ur bro make halo work with just the multiplaer did he make it into a DVD? i dont have a chip but is there a way where i can get H2 to work with just the multiplayer buy seleting the files you want (old maps) and playing it like you downloaded it from the copy game thing but with out campaign or video loading i swear some 1 did it befor (i think )
You can't do it without a mod of some kind. You have to transfer the game to your PC, by FTP, and deleting the campaign maps. They can be identfied, by having 01_blabla.map 01c_tutorial.map, but make sure you keep the multiplayer maps and shared.map, and mainmenu.map -Mike
Unless your Xbox is modded. Softmodded or with a modchip then you cannot mod Halo 2 in any way. -Mike
Okay, I'm here to save the day. Boot up your xbox with no game in it so it comes up to the dash. Place Halo 2 in your xbox. Go into FlashFXP (or whatever FTP program you use) and connect to your xbox. Make a folder called "Backup" and in that folder name another folder "Halo 2". Now copy over everything on the xbox D drive to the "Halo 2" folder. Now make a folder called "DSH2" and copy over "Halo 2" to that. Now click on the folder "maps" in "DSH2" and delete all the maps that start with numbers (the last one should be an 08) because they are campaign maps, scroll down and there should be a map that says somthing like "single_player_shared.map", delete that too. Now rename "DSH2" to "Halo 2" and move it over to your xbox under the E drive where it says "games". Reboot your xbox without the disc and press on "Play Game From HDD" then "Halo 2". If that doesn't work or you get confused just tell me.
Then you have to mod the maps. Which yopu can do by looking for a program called "DotHalo" and look on the internet for various guides and tutorials which explain what you can do, how to do it, and what programs you need to do it. -Mike
If you need any help I am here. Halo and Halo 2 is the only reason I modded my xbox. Email me at http://myspace.com/drugserbad.
i got it figured out kind... now but i have 1 problem halo 2 shows up and evrything but.. when i play it i get a dirty disk error even tho its on my hard drive.. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT !!! please? thanks
Are you running EvoX? That might be the problem if you not. But this is what my xbox says... Halo 2> bink> maps> fonts> ascencion.map beavercreek.map burial_mounds.map coagulation.map colossus.map cyclotron.map foundation.map headlong.map lockout.map mainmenu.map midship.map shared.map zanzibar.map media> You can delete everything in the bink folder, they're just loading videos. DO NOT delete the mainmenu.map and shared.map, they are important. And don't mess with the fonts folder or media folder, there is aslo other things under the "Halo 2" folder that you don't want to mess with. Only delete the everything in the "bink folder", the maps that start with numbers, and the single_player_shared.map. If this doesn't work I don't know what's wrong.
hey i have unleashx on my dashboard, and i have flashfxp on my comp, but i cant find a D drive. all i have is C,E,X,Y,Z. someone plz help
a d drive is the drive in your xbox that reads disks and for ur comp to see that ur xbox has to have a game in it