I need help with modding maps i just dont get it. do they make maps that are already patched and everything? i just want it to be easy. when i play systemlink will every one be able to play these mods
HACKZOR, most of the time you would have to make the map your self, but you can find maps that are already patched. You can find tutorials on http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/halo-modding-section/ . In the halo 2 modding section. Also if you need programs go here http://xboxdb.com/uzzimods/downloads/upload/index.php?cmd=all&sort=name&order=ASC&page=1 if you need extra maps go here http://www.akautorentals.com/Download/Modding/Original_Maps/ If you read the tuts you'll learn the basic of modding