yo guys i need some mods and i need to know how to mod so please srespond teling me where to get this stuff at man cuz i NEED MODZ!!!!!!!!! badly so peace my gamertage for halo 2 is drewster man sao if u can send me and modz send em to lance24@comcast.net thanks
here's a few links to some good halo 2 mods and programs to make custom mods... http://xx360xx.com http://halo2modz.com/about.html
Links For Modding http://www.halomaps.com (This has Programs) http://www.xx360xx.com (PPF's and Some Programs) http://www.a4h.us (PPF's and Programs) http://www.elitemods.net (PPF's and Programs http://www.brutemods.com (PPF's and Programs) http://www.modz2die4.sm4.biz (PPF's) http://www.akautorentals.com/Download/Modding/Original_Maps/ (Unmodded Maps) http://www.gamecrib.net (PPF's) (under the dowloads section, on very bottom) http://www.halo2mmmods.com (PPF's) and if u need help modding click on the link in my Sig and no personal INFO alowwed