halo 2 mods

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by hid, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. hid

    hid Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    hay my nams bob and im jest getting into mods so i need to know how to setup my computer and xbox to mod. also im not a computer guy so please no abbreviations. also web links would be grately appreaciated. i want to do cool mods like change the wepons bullets and change appearences so also tell me how to do that too. email me the info at dragonfacecolmasd2002@yahoo.com. thanks
  2. ARiscool

    ARiscool Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    hey man, im kinda new at this to, but you have to have linux(heres the link.....http://us.codejunkies.com/saves_show_game.asp?c=US&cr=USD&cs=$&r=0&l=1&g=559437140&p=8). you need action replay also to do this, itsa bout 30$. you need to download it and go to EVOLTION X, the other one blows. After that you download the mods you want( unless your makin your own)heres a link to a good modding site, it has other links you can go to....www.brutemods.com... after that you need dot halo(www.halomaps.com) and winRAR(www.winrar.com). (you also need aa system link cable inorder to transfer the files)Now this is were i am. If you want anymore info add me on XBOX LIVE...KSI The Revenge or Bloodshot666

    P.S. i heard that you can get in trouble for having an email in your name.....

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