I really want to get this from campaign this is a link to a video of it http://youtube.com/watch?v=5bCIOBhHcTY&search=halo 2 racetrack it is what they are driving. How would I get that on to multiplayer.
well those arent in campign i think so maybe comment him on you tube and ask for the ppf patch(if you sofmodded)
ive never seen them in the halo 2 campaign before (the hogs) and the track is from the map containment (multiplayer) and the skinning i thing he did was custom
Well I have seen it through the tunnel in the real wathog. Do you know how to just take stuff from campaign to multiplayer.
like the pelican i not the best but i know how and the site that taught me and they have the PPF patch that give you the track www.halomods.com search theve gots lots of things