I just ordered a premodded XBox with a xenium ice chip. So I tried to make a backup of my Halo game today, and I'm using DVD Decrypter. It comes up with the .iso file and everything normally, but 1) I know the file is too big and 2)whenever i extract the files it takes all of about 5 seconds and only extracts 14Megabytes. Does anyone know how to fix this? I've done a search on every Halo topic and can't seem to find anything.
Halo is not too big to back-up to a standard 4.7Gb. I am not sure why you are using DVD Decrypter for?!? You need to FTP from your PC to your Xbox to make back-ups. Not sure what your doing or attempting to do here.
Hey bailey04, DVD decryptor is for backing up DVD movies not XBOX games? Maybe you should be in the DVD backup forum? Otherwise you need for XBOX games- FlaskFXP xISO NERO (to burn the image created)
Sorry. I thought once I put the Xbox disc in, hooked it up to my PC through a LAN line and used xISO to make an ISO out of it I could use Decrypter to burn it.
Yes thats right, you can use iso>write to burn the iso. But do yourself a favour and dont use xiso to make the iso file.
qwix, xxxiso, or craxtion 4. qwix is probably the best for single games but craxtion 4 does all your multi games. Craxtion 4 wont back up every game though... alias and fable for example. xxxiso worked very well for me when some others have failed. They are only a few meg each so get them all and use them when you need to. edit left the c of craxtion
what halo do you have??? 5+ gigs... wtf? From memory (its been a while) it was between 2 - 3 gigs. Does your version have other game demo's on it?
loose the demos. No need for them. Just delete the files though, you will have to keep the menu, etc..