halo pc game internet

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by BIGnewb, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. BIGnewb

    BIGnewb Guest

    hi i have recently downloaded halo for pc.and so i needed a legit cd key to play online so i went to a website where you trade cd keys.and so i got a legit cd key for my age of mythology.anyways i check to see if it was legit and the internet games worked.it all seems as if there isnt a problem but there is.on my internet it shows only 49 servers but on my frends it shows hundreds.so there is something very strange why there are not that many servers.and if i see one he doesnt see it.and when i create a room on internet he cant join thru direct i.p bcuz it says something about the client version(we both have 1.07)but others come in my room but he cant.so if you have an answer to both problems it would be greatly aprreciated.////
  2. s3a

    s3a Guest

    I have a question to add, can u have one online key for playing halo online forever or they run out and you constantly have to get a new online key every single time it runs out?
  3. sobhy2406

    sobhy2406 Regular member

    Feb 8, 2004
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    The thing is if you download a game you need a no cd crack and the only halo no cd crack changes the version to 1.04 so the game will think its outdated so in short...
  4. lauriantu

    lauriantu Guest

    you are all WRONG ...........MY halo works online thought i downloaded a NO CD CRACK.................LIAR
  5. s3a

    s3a Guest

    not me, I just asked a question, lol
  6. agskate

    agskate Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    yeah i downloaded halo for pc too and it runs fine. but when i try to put the patch on to play online it it wont let me. do i need a different cd key. or does any one know how to get around this.
  7. why_not20

    why_not20 Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    I downloaded halo pc 1.7 and a nocd crack and it worked fine... well sort of. I could only play on cracked servers. So, i figured "there's got to be a better way." I borrowed my friends Halo PC CD Rom today and tried to install it... When it gets to 97% it says "error loading timberland.map... check hard drive..." blah blah blah. Sure enough, my hd was full (asside from the 14.6gb designated for windows). So, I freed up more than suffecient space, but i still get the same error:( If someone knows what is wrong please reply. I do have a crappy video card, but i don't think that matters. Thanks in advance...
  8. dude845

    dude845 Regular member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    hey have you tried the 1.4 server crack ! it is awesome:D and free:D
  9. why_not20

    why_not20 Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    actually i have tried that, i got a corrupt map file error (no it wasn't an edited map). Anyway, the problem i mentioned in my previous post, do you think that has to do with the programs I have on my computer? I have Alcohol 120%, but when i installed it i changed the driver names, so i don't think that should be an issue. I also have AnyDVD, DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, and maybe a few more. Please give your incite.

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