Well its been a crappy year in the USA but still happy fourth. DOWN WITH THE BRITISH!!!!! (j/k of course.)
british guys are hot....(jason statham!). however, if we hadn't separated, i might now have the cowboy accent i do and wouldn't thus be as attractive to all the uk'ers i hope to be seeing this X-mas vacation! meet me in london, all! XD
Did anyone blow off any fingers lighting firecrackers? AN horrific firecracker accident which left an Illawarra man incontinent and unable to have sex has prompted warnings from police and health authorities. The 26-year-old man suffered a fractured pelvis and severe burns to his genital area after a firecracker exploded between the cheeks of his buttocks. An ambulance was called to Dapto's Reed Park about 2.30am on August 10 after reports that the man was haemorrhaging from the buttocks. He was transported to Wollongong Hospital in a serious but stable condition, and he is expected to remain in hospital for several months. The man suffered extensive injuries from the explosion and required emergency surgery. He now has a colostomy and a catheter, and is sexually dysfunctional. He will be assessed by a colorectal surgeon to determine whether his injuries can be corrected. Illawarra Health emergency surgeon Dr Robert McCurdie, who operated on the man when he was taken to Wollongong Hospital, likened the man's condition to "a war injury". Dr McCurdie said he believed the man had stumbled while the firecracker was in his buttocks, and fell down on it. "By virtue of the fact that the explosion was confined in an upward direction, it went up into his pelvis, blasted a great hole in the pelvis, ruptured the urethra, injured muscles in the floor of the pelvis which rendered him incontinent. "His pelvis was also fractured," Dr McCurdie said. He said he had never seen a similar injury to the genital area before. "I have seen instances ... where people have tried to remove items from their rectum and rupture the sphincter muscles, but not anything like this," he said. It is not known whether the man had been imitating the cult prankster film Jackass, a hit in the United States. In the low-budget film, the men place firecrackers in their buttocks and they shoot into the air. They also stick toy cars up their buttocks, snort wasabi and apply electrical muscle stimulators to their genitals. The movie carries a warning not to imitate the actions. Dr McCurdie said young people were particularly susceptible to imitating movies like Jackass. "I think films like that can influence people, particularly younger people," he said. "Firecrackers really are quite dangerous. In years gone by, firecrackers were in common usage and people were always warned about how to use them. Now the authorities have taken over and public displays are common." Acting Senior Sergeant John Klepczarek said police received reports every year about injuries caused by firecrackers, which are illegal in NSW. While some injuries were minor, he said in some cases people received severe burns and fingers had been lost. "The warnings are out there for a reason. People still have the mentality it won't happen to them, but it does," he said. The danger with movies like Jackass, he said, was that some people were tempted to try the stunts at home. "They're putting themselves at risk, and other people. "We do caution people strongly against following these acts," he said. This story was found at: http://illawarramercury.com.au/articles/2003/09/03/1062515432209.html
@rav....just outside my apartment building here in Philadelphia, Ben Franklin (one of our founding fathers and something of a character) and his band of rowdies used sling shots to hurl "road apples" (horse manure) at British troops. My how warfare has changed over the years lol! The brits had outlawed guns many years before so we started with horse manure and farm implements lol! I always thought Monty Python or some such group should have made a comedy skit about one of the earlier battles. Americans learnt (the hard way) from the Indians to camouflage, hide behind trees and in ditches etc. In come the red coats with their prim and proper ranks, taking turns vollying shots etc. with us colonists (though my ancestors were in Quebec) hiding in trees, holes etc. The brits were shocked and appalled the we should fight so dirty and unscrupulously LOL!
Sounds a rather interesting proposition. If the government changed your bill of rights to read "..have the right to bare arms, so long as those arms are a slingshot and a bucket of horse manure..." just think of the great fun armed robbers would have... "hand over all the money or we fertilise you!!!!"
Just imagine if wars could be fought with slingshots and animal dung? Who would be brave enough to take on the might of Iraq with their inter continental balistic camel turds? Just a thought.....
9 EXTERIOR - CASTLE - DAY MIX THROUGH one or two shots of them on their way again, until they approach a terrific castle (a little one would do too). They advance quite close to the castle and draw themselves into a line. At a signal from ARTHUR the two PAGES step forward and give a brief fanfare. A MAN appears on the battlements. ARTHUR addresses him. ARTHUR: Hello. MAN: 'Allo. Whoo is eet? ARTHUR: I am King Arthur and these are the Knights of the Round Table. Whose castle is this? MAN: This is the castle of of my master, Guy de Loimbard. ARTHUR: Please go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest, and if he will give us food and shelter for this night he can join us in our quest for the Holy Grail. MAN: Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen. He's already got one, you see? ARTHUR: What? GALAHAD: He says they've already got one! They are stunned. ARTHUR: Are you sure he's got one? MAN: Oh yes. It's very nice + CUT TO BATTLEMENTS. THE TAUNTER (MAN) turns to some others. +MAN: + I told him we already got one. +They all giggle. ARTHUR: Well ... can we come up and have a look? MAN: Of course not! You are English pigs. ARTHUR: Well, what are you then? MAN: I'm French. Why do think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king. GALAHAD: What are you doing in England? MAN: Mind your own business. ARTHUR: If you will not show us the Grail we shall storm your castle. Murmurs of assent. MAN: You don't frighten us, English pig-dog! Go and boil your bottoms, son of a silly person. I blow my nose on you, so-called Arthur-king, you and your silly English K...kaniggets. He puts hands to his ears and blows a raspberry. GALAHAD: What a strange person. ARTHUR: Now look here, my good man! MAN: I don't want to talk to you, no more, you empty-headed animal, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. You mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. GALAHAD: Is there someone else up there we could talk to? MAN: No. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time. ARTHUR: Now this is your last chance. I've been more than reasonab... +MAN: Fetchez la vache! +GUARD: Quoi? +MAN: Fetchez la vache! CUT BACK TO battlements. A cow is led out of a stall. CUT BACK TO ARTHUR. ARTHUR: Now that is my final offer. If you are not prepared to agree to my demands I shall be forced to take ... Oh Christ! A cow comes flying over the battlements, lowing aggressively. The cow lands on GALAHAD'S PAGE, squashing him completely. |ROBIN: What a cruel thing to do. |BEDEVERE: (Choking back tears) It hadn't even been milked. |ARTHUR: Right! Knights! Forward! ARTHUR leads a charge toward the castle. Various shots of them battling on, despite being hit by a variety of farm animals. ARTHUR: (as the MAN next to him is squashed by a sheep) Knights! Run away! Midst echoing shouts of "run away" the KNIGHTS retreat to cover with the odd cow or goose hitting them still. The KNIGHTS crouch down under cover. LAUNCELOT: The sods! I'll tear them apart. ARTHUR: (restraining LAUNCELOT from going out and having a go) No! BEDEVERE: I have a plan sir...... All credit to the Monty python crew.....check out the free un-official web site http://www.montypythonpages.com/
Well I am actually one of the oldest family's in the United States, I am English and Scottish, (and for you who want to know thats the traitor lowland Scottish)and I can claim direct decendency to one of the captain servering right George Washington. Just a sorta cool fact I found out.