Hard Drive Help..space missing

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by 4oe, Apr 30, 2003.

  1. 4oe

    4oe Member

    Apr 30, 2003
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    ok i have just formatted my computer it's a 15gig computer but after formmating i end up with only 7gigz don't have any idea where the rest is i have check with PowerQuest PartitionInfo 8.0..it say that i have 15gigz in total sectors but my partition size is only 7gigz.. i know this mucght not be the right place to ask but can anyone help
  2. ^Krusty^

    ^Krusty^ Member

    Apr 30, 2003
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    Did you set the partition size correctly? When you reformatted did you do a disc scan & defrag? How old and how much use does it get?

    Finally one of the telltale signs of a Hdrive on the way out is loss of disc space! They dont last forever!

    The good news is that You have enough space to run the 7 gig as your OSload hdrive and Go out and buy a 80 gig for your storage.

    If you do this make sure that your storage drive does most of your work UNLESS you need to install programs to your primary.

    Dirt Cheap Drives is a good place to start for a replacement! Comp Usa sold me a white box Maxtor 80gig for 70$ after 30$ rebate and Guess what it only reads as a 76.9 Oh well losing 3 gigs isnt going to kill me.

  3. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    This exact thing happend to me once. The drive is fine, I assure you. What the problem is the method of partion. When you format and make it Fat16, the maxium that is reconized is 2Gb, when you use Fat32 the maxium is 8Gb. The solution to this is a program that is probally hidden on a CD some were that came with your computer or with your hard drive. For Maxtor drive you need MAX BLAST plus, this progam installs a small file at the header of your drive that tells windows to smarten up and see it is larger than it really is. In reality this is a windows problem. If you have a different drive make, visit the website of the company that made your hard drive and a similar program should be available. If your are running Linux this would not occur as the ext3 format is smart, and is a good test to see how large a drive really is. Some drives have a special compresed signiture and are small and you loose space unless recompressed using the same compresion. But I doubt this is your problem as for a 15Gb drive this usually drops to between 12 to 10GB. Ext3 and ext2 are common RedHat format methods in linux and RedHat 8.0 is amazing and completely free.
    Hope this works out for you.
  4. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest


    You didn't lose 3 gigs, You have and bought a 80 gig byte drive, but just like a DVD is 4.7Gb, when you actually read it in base ten it's only 4482, and not 4700. So that space is not lost, its just the comprimize between 1024 and 1000, human's think in base 10 and computers think in base 2. To reassure you right click on your drive, select properties and you will see two number one that says 76.9GB and an other that should say 80,000,000,000 bytes.
  5. 4oe

    4oe Member

    Apr 30, 2003
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    Prisoner: thanx for the great advice it's exactly as you said i did find the program to fix this..also found out that if i had formatted/boot with win2k it would have found the hole HD still got alot to learn nd u just help me pass one more grade.

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