harddrive will not load for SOME REASON

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by vibe69, Mar 11, 2006.

  1. vibe69

    vibe69 Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    okay i have a maxtor 40gig hard drive model 6L040J2 which can be locked i looked it up.. i backed my stuff up.. downloaded xboxhdm put the eeprom in the eeprom folder.. put the c drive in c etc.. did the whole xboxhdm tutorial.. build a drive from scratch. then went into option 3 and hit lockhd -a and it says security supprted: YES
    and all that but security enabled said YES

    i put it in my xbox and it wont work for some reason.. what am i doing wrong here can someone please tell me?? do i need to unlock my stock drive from the xbox then put in the new drive or what? also my xbox is softmoded and its a version 1.0 xbox.

    i tried everything possible.. the hard drive is locked but when put in the fing xbox it says ur xbox needs service.. no error code nothing.. can someone please HELP ME iam soo frustrated about this damned thing its not even funny.
    thank u can someone please help asap
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    can you run a game on the xbox?????an original???
    also u did back up the E drive right when you built the cd.....it sounds like you did everything right......
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2006

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