Hey fellas... I am looking to hardware mod my v1.0 and I'm wondering what is needed besides the actual hardware to play burned games. I know there are places to buy backups, and I'm just looking to install a chip and buy a few backups because I don't have the time to be copying them. I guess my question is two-fold.. 1. What is needed, besides a mod-chip, to PLAY copied games? 2. What is the main difference between a "high end" Xecuter 3 CE and a more "budget oriented" Spider v1.1? What are the (non-obvious) differences between solderless and solder? Reliability? Quality? What does it mean to flash a chip, and why would this need to be done? Thanks for your help, sorry for the newb questions.
hello m8 you dont need 2 buy a chip if you just want 2 play copied games plus buying a chip is a bit expensive you could allways softmod your xbox yourself and its a lot easier than messing with chips plus with softmodding you dont have 2 open the xbox up need more help on softmodding just message back hear