Has anyone tried fitting an xbox drive to a pc

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by smiff6969, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Has anyone tried fitting an xbox drive into a pc and then seeing if the pc can read the xbox origanal through the xbox drive???

    Anyone know any reasons why it wouldn't be possible.

    Don't shoot me down in flames here i'm just speculating, but it would be very interesting to see what it reads.
  2. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    It's been thought about, and more than likely, it's been tried. The only problem is that you couldn't just like take the drive off and put it in your pc. You would have to install drivers for it, and also get an eject button for it.
  3. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Would you really need to load drivers, would xp not just see it as a dvd drive. I think it would have to be tried first to see if windows detected it then possibly see if you can access the drive using standard atapi drives. As far as the eject button is concerned you could use anything. I get can my hands on all kinds of shit as i work in electronics. The real question is would it work. I've herd talk about people re-flashing the firmware inside samsung standard dvd drives to read xbox origanals.

    Would drivers really be needed as the xbox drive is still just a standard drive there not special they just have diferent firmware loaded on them to make the drive read in a diferent way the drivers would there for be standard windows drivers(one would guess). the data would then be read from the disk in the fashion the firmware dictates.
  4. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    just found out the following

    7. December 2004 @ 18:16
    No dude, that won't work, I guarantee it has been tried. The reason the pc can't read an Xbox dvd is because of this: a PC as we all know uses a file system commonly know as either FAT32 or most recently, and most popular NTFS. The Xbox, uses its own unique file system called FATX. Now, the only way we could incorporate FATX into some kind of emulation with the PC file system is haveing a good friend at Micrsoft who can aquire the source code for you, then you need to know someone who is a genious programmer who could put it all together, and then get sued by microsoft for doing it... :S From what I gather everything under the sun has been tried and the only real 'easy' way of doing it is to FTP to your Xbox.

    Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...it has hapened once or twice :p


    There is only one satisfying way to boot a computer.
    7. December 2004 @ 18:44
    I take it hard drives can be formatted as fatx because people fit new hard drives to xboxes so if what your saying is correct and i believe it is the only real way it could be done would be to create a daul boot pc with xbox OS on one partition formatted to fatx and say xp on the other formatted to ntfs. Heres another question. Is xbox OS embedded or located on Hard disk, by this i mean is the dashboard software blasted as firmware on flash (memory hardwired to board) or is is stored on hard drive. If it's stored on the hard drive could you not take out a xbox hard drive and boot the xbox dashboard from a pc.

    I might be pissing in the wind here as i'm new to xbox workings but have deep roots with pc,s and electronics.

    Any ideas on any questions would be interesting
  5. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Yes, you would. It wouldn't definitely work without the drivers. Try installing a REGULAR PC dvd drive into a computer without a driver. If it does work, it may not work as well as it should. And because it's a totally different drive, I KNOW it would need drivers to read.
  6. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    No need to quote me dude, the thread is just above.

    I don't wan't to play xbox games on my pc i want to read them thats all. So when people put diferent drives on there xbox then does that mean they are loading special drivers on to there xbox before it works...

    How many dvd rom drives have have you bought lately because i've never had drivers with any. they use generic windows drivers. has anyone had first hand experience of an xbox using anyhthing diferent to generic drivers????
  7. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    guess i'm not the only crazy man around

    7. December 2004 @ 19:24
    Yeah, I see your point about the OS and I agree.

    But as for the DVD Rom, like I said, 1's and 0's. The fact that you can put a DVD movie, whether its burned or original, into your Xbox and have it read, proves that it is a generic DVD drive, the disc tray is just jazzed up for the look of the xbox, hence being able to replace your DVD Rom if you break the one on your xbox. Again, the laser does not read anything other than "grooves and peaks". Generally, the only difference between a DVD and CD is the size of the laser. Obviously a DVD's laser is MUCH finer therefore making it read less area of the disc at a time, increasing the space for information.

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