I have it on disk and am affraid to load it on my main computer. I was interested in and feedback on this OS.
well windows vista is just still a beta and just out for testing so it still has alot of bugs thats why microsoft lets some people try it out and test it so they can feed back the different bugs and what they need to improve on it. so its really up to you vista is good but still needs quite alot of work so if you'd like to test it and try it out go ahead but be warned you might experince problems and unstablility. if you want a vista look however that easily done and a better sollution...
by the look of things your computer is a good spec but some plps on the forums say u need 2GB of ram to run it well i would say use partitions magic (VISTA CAN DUAL BOOT OS WITH OUT ENY DUAL BOOTING SOFWARE I HAVE TRYED THIS AND IT WORED WITH ME) and have it dual boot with your other OS. partitions magic site http://www.powerquest.com/home_homeoffice/products/system_performance/pm80/index.html