please excuse the length of this message, but I didn't want to leave out any details in this problem! When I first began using my Zen Micro, Creative MediaSource worked fine. I could start my player and it recognized it right away. Then I was told I had to update my firmware and download an update to MediaSource. I did both but shortly thereafter I started having problems! Primarily, when i plug in my Micro a window pops up where I have 3 options, none of which are Creative MediaSource. The window has "MTP Media Player" across the top bar, but i havn't a clue what the "MTP" stands for. The 3 options given are "Sync your music using Napster", "Synchronize media files to this device using Windows Media Player", and "Take no action". I initialy tried "Take no action" and then opened MediaSource only to find it didn't recognize my Micro any more. I then e-mailed Creative for help and got a reply telling me to............. Thank you for contacting Creative Technical Support. In regards to your issue, you can try uninstall and reinstall MEdiaSource with these procedures. 1. Click START -> RUN -> type MSCONFIG and click OK. 2. Click SELECTIVE STARTUP and then uncheck LOAD STARTUP GROUP ITEMS. 3. Apply the changes and reboot the computer when prompted. 4. Uninstall MediaSource from the system using ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS. 5. Manually delete the MediaSource folders from the computer system : C:\PROGRAM FILES\CREATIVE\MEDIASOURCE C:\PROGRAM FILES\CREATIVE\CTCDDB C:\PROGRAM FILES\CREATIVE\MEDIA MANAGER C:\MEDIA\MUSIC 6. Right-click your My Computer icon and click Properties. 7. Click the Hardware tab and then click Device Manager. 8. Remove any listings for Creative NOMAD products in the Device Manager (they will most likely be located in the Universal Serial Bus Controllers category). 9. If you have a category call Other Devices, look for listings in there called USB Device. If you have any, remove them. 10. Install MediaSource only from the original installation CD. NOTE: DO NOT OPEN MEDIASOURCE WHILE PERFORMING THESE PROCEDURES. Also, you can try reloading the Zen Micro's firmware through recovery mode. Move and hold the Power button to the Power On position and re-insert the battery to the Zen Micro. Hold the Power button until the rescue mode appears. Clean Up: Performs a disk scan on the players hard disk Format: Formats the players hard disk All contents will be lost Reload OS: Reloads the Operating System on the Jukebox. Do not select this option unless you have downloaded the firmware. Reloading your OS will not effect the contents of the files stored on your Jukebox Zen Reboot: Reboots the device Please attempt the options 'Reboot' and 'Clean Up' first. If they do not help, you must try 'Reload OS'. To do this, you must have a downloaded firmware from our website ready. Please let us know the results after these steps, as soon as possible. For faster service please reply with previous correspondence when replying to this email. Best Regards, Goh Toh Siong Technical Support Creative Labs Americas "Get Creative" I followed the directions, but 3 of the folders listed in step 5 didn’t exist (only C:\PROGRAM FILES\CREATIVE\MEDIASOURCE did), there were no Creative NOMAD products listed as in step 8, and there was no “Other Devices” as stated in step 9. I did everything else for all the steps through step 10. I then re-installed Creative MediaSource from the CD only to find it still didn’t recognize my player! I’ve now done this twice with the same results! Zen Micro Media Explorer doesn’t even recognize my Micro when it’s plugged in! It just keeps saying “The device is not connected. Please connect your Zen Micro to the computer”. I’m hardly a tech expert, but it seems to me that something on my PC is detecting my player and decieding for itself that the only 2 programs it will let manage my Zen Micro are Napster and Windows Media Player. If this is the case where do I go from here?!?!
I have a "Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra" 40GB and I can honestly say that Creative's software is utter shit (excuse me for my langauge, but it's true). Their software is not at all user friendly and is worse than iTunes. I don't use their software anymore. Instead I simply copy and paste songs onto my player using Windows Explorer. It works fine and is much easier this way. My brother who also has a Creative and hates their software found this software made by a company called Red Chair Software. The program is called "NotMad" poking fun at Creatives "NoMad". Its much easier to use. The only downfall is that it costs money but my bro said its well worth the $25 asking price. Here is the link to their website. I hope this sorts out your problem.