Have FTP'd to my PC, need help to burn the DVD from there

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by downieman, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. downieman

    downieman Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Okay. Thanks for all help this far. I now have connected the PC & XBox via crossover, which is modded.

    First of all. Do I need to save the games to my XBox hard drive and then FTP to the PC or can I FTP direct from the XBox tray?

    Second, What am I FTP'ing to the PC? One file with the whole game or lots of files within?

    Now, lets assume I get the files into the PC via the appropriate method.

    My burning question is, how do I burn to DVD from here in a recognisable format?

    I assume I create a new file in my PC Hard Drive, lets say "XBox games to burn to DVD"

    I then FTP the entire game file from the Xbox (either tray or HD) into that folder.

    But where to next. This is where I can really use some help.
    I have DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter and Clone DVD, all fine programs thank you.
    I am lost with this xISO business. I assume I will have lots of files in my "XBox games to burn to DVD" folder, I just don't know what to do from here.
    Reminds me of my wedding night ;-)
    Thanks everyone.
  2. downieman

    downieman Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Terrific. Found many answers- just one to go
    1) FTP from the tray
    2) files are all sent over and miraculously land in the file....as found below

    Here is where I need the help
    Step 5. After you copy it to your harddrive (your pc's), you'll need to use xISO to make an XBOX .iso file.

    How Do I find this xISO, is it easy, what do I do. Thank You

    Step 2. After you get evolution x dashboard installed, hook up the network cable in the back of the xbox and into the network card in your computer (xbox game backing up requires you to take an outside in approach).
    setup the network settings so you can FTP into your xbox (assign an IP address)

    Step 3. Insert the game we want to rip, into your XBOX and open up Flash FXP and connect to the IP address you assigned your xbox.. The user name is : xbox, the password is: xbox (defaults). Once you are connected, it will bring up a list of folders (c:, d:, e:, f:, x:, etc). The main ones we want to worry about are teh C: and the D:. The C: is the main xbox drive, and the D: is the XBOX DVD Drive (this is the one we need to worry about).

    Step 4.
    Go the d: folder and copy the folder to your harddrive.

    Step 5. After you copy it to your harddrive (your pc's), you'll need to use xISO to make an XBOX .iso file.

    Step 6. Burn teh xbox iso file to a blank DVD.
  3. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    1st) dont use xiso its a dog of a program

    get qwix (www.xbox-scene.com / download section) or craxtion 4 and .net framework (from www.craxtion.com) and use that to create your iso file. Its pretty basic you will work it out once you get the programs. craxtion 4 has a nice easy to use wizard built into it too.

    REMEMBER to patch the .xbe files with the auto patchers located within each of these programs (some chips are not self patching and wont play games that are not patched)

    let me know how you get on. It really is pretty basic once you see the programs so dont worry about creating the iso's too much.

    If you get really stumped (very unlikely) just burn the game data as a "data disk" with record now max. And the game will (should) still work.

  4. downieman

    downieman Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Thanks for replying.
    I'll give it a go tonight.
    I guess getting it is half the fun. The game in Driv3r, so what, 15 minutes of gameplay? 12 hours to learn how to do it. I think that sometimes the games are playing us!
    I'll d/load as suggested and go from there.
  5. pj94z

    pj94z Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    downieman - did you get it to work? I'm on the same boat as you.

    I copied over a game from my Xbox's HDD to my PC.

    Then, I made it into ISO using xISO

    Then, I used NERO to burn to DVD+R at (normal) fastest speed.

    But, this DVD does nothing when I try to play it - it's a DUD.

    Do I have to PATCH the ISO before burning?

    What did I do wrong?

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