Hello...hope someone can help. I followed the guide exactly to take a AVI file and put it onto DVD. I have 2 streams saved into a folder...the AUDIO and the VIDEO. I burnt the DVD.....video is great but I have no audio. When I play the streams separately with Windows Media Player the video stream works and the audio stream will play but with no sound....someone please help.....I am fairly new to this. I appreciate all the info
You have to encode the video and audio into an interleaved VOB file. The audio needs to either be in PCM or AC3 format, so you need a tool like HeadAC3he (or similar) to do the first stage and convert the audio to the right format, and then you need to get an MPEG encoder (there's various ones floating about) and encode the video the MPEG2 format. The video has to be a specific size, which differs depending on whether you're encoding an NTSC or PAL DVD. There are tools that will do the encoding and interleaving of the audio and video for you. Just to remind you: regular DVDs (Video DVDs) ONLY use the VIDEO_TS folder. The AUDIO_TS folder is only used for Audio DVDs. The two are never mixed. I'm sorry that's not a definitive guide to doing it, it's too hot to type anything longer and there's some pretty good guides about on sites such as this one and www.digital-digest.com which'll tell you everything you need to know, and provide links to the software you need. And this is a good way to get the ball rolling for replies I think.