Haven't burned yet

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mikeve1, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    I downloaded DVD shrink and ordered a LG GS A-H10AB off of ebay. It comes with a package including Nero 6.6.

    1.Is DVD shrink and Nero good enough or are there other freeware programs I should snag while I wait for UPS to show up at my door?

    2.What kind of DVD-R media is recomended for backing up movies. Are 4.7GB(4700mb) good enough?
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    get DVDDecrypter & DVDFab Decrypter:


    these are free programs that let you rip to the hard drive! DVDDecrypter isn't upgraded any more put I think it's still the best! For newer movies get DVDFab Decrypter to do the job... that is upgraded!

    here are some guides to help you along:



    and if you want, while you are waiting.... read all about it:


    you'll be all set for a start at burning~

    welcome to AfterDawn!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2006
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    1)Nero 6.6 and dvd shrink are a hell of a combo.Do not download the incd packets.No need for those packets,and they may cause issues.

    You can set dvd shrink up to autoburn with nero,eliminating extra steps. This combo will work with majority of the older titles,but has issues with the newer releases because it hasn't been updated for a while.

    There's a background ripper called anydvd which will help pull off those newer encryptions,with no extra step. It's not free,but you'll be able to use the dvd shrink/autoburn with nero.

    Voblanker is another free program that'll get through those newer releases. Dvd decrypter as well,for those dual layer backups.

    2) Blank media: Make sure it is quality stuff. It'll save you loads of issues later. Taiyo yuden and verbatim are top dogs.

    Your LG burner should have the bitsetting capability to booktype the plus format to dvd-rom. Remember this in case you come into stand alone player/s that give you a no disc error on your backups.

    Get some rw's to practice with,but they can be trickier on stand alone players.

    Get a batch of both plus and dash-make sure it is good stuff. Burn a few of each format,and test in all the stand alone players that you plan on your backups to play. They will tell you which format,if any,that they like.
  4. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Thanks. I learned I needed A decrypter already. I downloaded DVDfabdycrypter. I went to "backup" hostel and shrink gave me an invalid DVD Navigation error.so I popped the phrase into the search on afterdawn and Zap! problem gone then I ran the ripped file through DVD shrink and pow ! 4.3 gig flick ready to rock. This site kicks ass.
  5. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    we aim to please! hahahahaha glad to hear you're having fun...... and you haven't even burned your first disk yet!!!
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You'll be getting an OEM version of Nero. It's okay for a number of tasks, but it probably won't be up to date and won't have all the bells and whistles of the Ultra Version. Plus, you don't want to update to, so scout out the download link floating around here at AD and install it. That way you can be checking out your software and what you'll be missing with the OEM Nero. If you don't want to upgrade to the full version, all you need do is install the serial from the OEM and you shouldn't have to use the disk for an install and you'll already be up to date. BTW, Recode is a software app included in the Ultra package that is similar to Shrink. Supposedly, they're by the same author. If you're going to spend money on Shrink, I'd suggest moving up to the Nero 7 Ultra. I had Nero 6 and I'm happy with the Nero 7 upgrade.

    The DVDFab Decrypter is good freeware, but it's up to AnyDVD to lose the spot as top dog. It includes a ripper that processes for DVD compliance with FixVTS while ripping the files to the HDD. Plus, it's the best background (driver type) decryption software available. You get the best of both types of decryption software in one package. It's worth the money. Slysoft has a full function trial, http://www.slysoft.com/ . You may not want to download it till you have your drive set up, it's timed (about 3 weeks).
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2006
  7. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Thanks I'll give the nero tip a shot. Hopefully I'll have my burner in a few days then all I need to do is pick up some blank media.
  8. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Last edited: Apr 23, 2006
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Remember to use good media. Sony, Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Ricoh and the name brands Made in Japan are pretty reliable.
  10. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    I'm hitting best buy monday or tuesday to get blank media. Sony, Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden will be my Ammo of choice. I'm thinking sony for backing up ps2 games. I'll experiment to see what I like for movies. I've never had a problem with Verbatim CD-r's So I figure they're DVD-r's are probably good too.
  11. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Depends on what you get with Verbatim, the brand uses different manufacturers. The MIJ is mainly Taiyo Yuden or Mistsubishi Chemicals (MMC). I've bought Verbatim manufactured by Ricoh. All are good. Taiyo Yuden branded media is usually purchased online. I've not seen it in many retail stores. The Sony 8X +R that I've been using are Taiyo Yuden and Sony manufactured (MIJ and Made in Taiwan respectively). Both are excellent. Guess you saw Taiyo Yuden making a good showing and is the favored MIJ that a lot of people look for. Use DVD Identifier, freeware, to see what you're using. Besides brand, it's handy to know the media manufacturer. Interesting thing is that the manufacturers sell the same media to different brands with the only difference being the brand label. Also, the brands may sell more than 1 media for the same format, such as the Sony 8X +R (by Sony and TY) that I use. Depending on what you get, the Sony could be the same as the Verbatim. I'm not sure who Verbatim is using at present (they usually use good manufacturers) but in the past, they've used Taiyo Yuden quite a bit. Mitsubishi I hear is related corporately, so I imagine a long term relationship with that one.
  12. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Yeah it seems Taiyo Yuden is the blank media of choice on here. I saw some on ebay but I want to pick something up in hand at first. what scared me on ebay was a manufacturer disclaimer that they were allowing a third party to manufacture under their name.

    I saw somewhere in one of the media threads that a guy was bragging that he snagged 2 50pk cake boxes of sony's for 15.99 and they were Taiyo Yuden . I think the thread is called the best day of my life.

    If someone thinks that highly of a disk I'll look for it. I don't need a deal but I want to use good stuff. If I end up with bad backups I want it to be newb error not bad media.

    so Sony 8x + R first choice ?

    second choice ?
  13. mrpat67

    mrpat67 Regular member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    If you have a Sam's Club membership, they sell Verbatim 8x 100 for $38.00. They code out MCC 003 which have always worked well for me. Best of luck.
  14. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    NO no membership to any cool big stores like sams club. I might be able to get a friend to take me at some point and stock up when I get it down. I'll hit best buy for now then I'll check bizrate.com find the best deal hopefully an online supplier with free shipping
  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    best buy has Sony 50s DVD +-R for 14.99 in Sunday sales supplement.
  16. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Last time I purchased from Best Buy I purchased a couple of 100 disc spindles of Fuji 8X +R. They were Taiyo Yuden. So, that's another brand to check out. Just make sure they have Made in Japan on the label. Verbatim can be any of a number of media. As I said before, I've purchased it and got Ricoh, as well as the TY and MCC. There you can check the label for MIJ. Ricoh is good, it's made in Taiwan. Ricoh has been a major supplier of +R media to several of the top brands over the years. They also sell media under their own name brand. As I said before, the best thing a person can do is key on the Made in Japan on the label, if they're not familiar with a number of brands. Memorex and Imation are 2 brands some people are avoiding. Not all bad but there's a lot of the unpopular CMC media being sold under those 2 brands. That should give you enough brands to check out, especially when a number of name brands sell Made in Japan media. As I mentioned before the Sony 8X +R can be either MIJ or MIT and be the good stuff, same for Verbatim. If they have both, get the MIJ to be on the safe side. You never know when the brand is going to change vendors; though Verbatim and Sony have been good about sticking with quality suppliers.

    eBay? You're liable to see and find anything. Too often good buys are offset by horrible shipping charges.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2006
  17. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    I saw the sony's in the bestbuy add 14.99 seems pretty good. If I like them I'll use them again . It's a good place to start
  18. theboltz

    theboltz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    I bought Sony @ Best Buy for $14.99 made in Tawain, it scans terrible. I found Taiyo Yuden 8x, for 20.99 with free shipping at supermediastore.com, its worth buying on line for that kind of price for great a+ media. The Sony plays okay, but the TYg02 is much better.
  19. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Guess I'm just lucky. I purchased a mixed batch of Japanese and Taiwanese Sony. The MIJ was Taiyo Yuden and the MIT was manufactured by Sony. Both are 8X +R. No coasters from the last hundred MIT(s). Used those up and on the TY(s) now. No difference in quality. With this format, it makes no difference to me whether I get the MIJ or MIT.
  20. mikeve1

    mikeve1 Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    I ended up buying the sony DVD+R they are (mit). burned 4 discs already. they look fine to me. Be careful at best buy though I intended to buy a 50pk of DVD-R but when I got home I had cd-R's Same color mixed in the display. 14.99 for a 50pk isn't a bad deal so I won't bring them back but it still sucked. luckily the +R's work on my dvd player and my dad's so no problems here

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