Hello, I recently bought HP740e DL burner and suceessfully burn a movie on Memorex DL DVDR9 disc. I can play the disc on computer from DL burner. But when I try to play the disc from regular DVD player, it wouldn't play. DVD player displays error messege " No disc ", as if it couldn't identify what kind of disc is in the tray. I'm not sure if the problem is with the dvd player or DVD cloner 3 software that I use. Please comment. I have Samsung DVD-HD931 dvd player. Thanks in advance.
@jjbeamer Welcome to aD! It seems your dvd player does not support dl discs: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers...changer=&dvdtv=&chipset=&orderby=Name&hits=25 Here's what you could try - your burner it made by either LiteOn or LG and may support booktyping. This would make the discs appear as a DVD-Rom and increase the compatibilty w/ the dvd player. If it's an LG it looks like the burner is set to auto booktype - here's a link to some info on your burner & booktyping: http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=162991 To check and see if it was booktyped run the disc thru dvd indentifer: http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/