In the CloneDVD2 window, it says creating dvd files (finished) 100% and writing flushing buffers, writing buffers 100%. However, it stayed like that for more than an hour. Is there something wrong? Thanks in advance for your help!
@marvinsiq Welcome to aD! When it's done your hear a sound and there will be a pop up saying something like done successful and the total time. Click okay and the burned disc pops out of your drive. What brand of blank discs are you using?
Hello binkie7, I haven't seen that pop up yet. It freezed and I had to manually reboot my computer to even eject the disc. The brand is maxell 8x/4.7gb/2hrs. dvd-r discs. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall anydvd and clonedvd? I've notice slysoft recently upgraded both softwares. I currently have anydvd and clonedvd Thank you for the warm welcome!
Both have been updated: CloneDvd 2 is v. 2898 and AnyDvd is 5960. I would uninstall and do a refresh install of CloneDvd 2. See if that fixes the problem of not completing and giving you the eject disk button. MovieDud
@marvinsiq Do a fresh install like moviedud suggested. In a previous version there was a fix for CloneDVD hanging when playing the successful sound. This may be the case for you. Just remember to have the key(s) that slysoft sent when purchased saved someplace besides the program files so you can reactivate. Let us know how it goes!
Thanks everyone! I installed the updates of both AnyDVD and CloneDVD on slysoft's website and did a fresh uninstall/reinstall for both softwares. After that, I made a perfect backup in less than 30 minutes for Dumb and Dumber.
I read every single post and still cannot make it work. This is what I did: I used AnyDVD and saved VIDEO_TS in my local drive (as I always do), then when I use CloneDVD I get this error message when trying to burn (after it encrypts): "there does not appear to be enough space on the disk to burn this image. Image size: 2,285,908 sector Disc size: 335,923 sectors. Would you like to continue anyways? Yes or No. Also, I looked at this tutorial: and to be honest all it does is rephrase and explain what I am seeing when I open those programs. It does not recommend what setting to select. I must be doing something wrong by getting such a big sector size. Please help on this and I am very new so baby steps will be very much appreciated. Would anyone know of another AnyDVD and CloneDVD tutorial (with recommendations)? I get that enough space error when I try to copy Narnia and Chicken Little movies. Any help please??
@caafter Looks like you getting good help here: One thing you should do is edit out your email addy in both threads - Against forum rules and who need more spam anyhow!
Thank you binkie7 and yes, I did find the solution through DVDCloner3 forum. I am new on this so I was not completely aware of afterdawn rules. Next time I know what not to do.
Can someone give me an opinion to at what percent quality with clonedvd do you decide to burn to 2 disks instead of one? For example if the quality is 70% or higher than it is ok to burn to 1 disk because there is very little loss of quality or should you look for higher quality if burning to 1 disk?
Hi Dougers 70% is what I try and keep my compression at. Sometimes I may even go lower. But quality picture is all in the eye of the beholder. For me the largest TV I usually watch them on is like 37" - occasionally a widescreen and it looks good to me. It depends on your set up and your quality preference. 70% may be good for you. Another option if your have a dual layer burner is use dual layer media when a disc needs alot of compression. Then you'll get a 1:1 copy.
I'm confused here. caafter says first he is having problems with clonedvd, then he says he found answer in dvdcloner111. they are 2 different programs??
@donewell caafter was refering to finding the answer in thread that was titled DVDClonerIII that binkie7 gave a link too.
morning guys/gals. got a question or 2 myself. ive asked this in another thread. should have asked here. sorry about that. im useing anydvd and clonedvd2 (with the newest updates). and my last 3 movies i have backedup have had some minor glitches in them. about 20mins in i will see some good sized pixels and a little freezing up. i take the disc out wipe it off a bit and put it backin and it plays fine. im useing 16x+r verbs burning at 8x. it only does this the very first time i play the new bAck ups. and it dont it on all 3 movies which or new releases.. Aeonflux... When a stranger calls.... and doogal. any ideas? second when using clondvd2 i only do the main movie get out all the previews and other junk most the time when i do this it gets me up and over 90% alot of times even 100% is this normal to do that. i have heard others talking about lower percentage should i bee looking for the lower percentage? i thought the higher the number you had less compression and thats what we want isnt it?
The problem with playback could be more player related than backup related. However, since you say it only happens on certain movies it is puzzling. Try blowing a shot of air in your burner/player, may just be some dust. As for compression you are aiming at no or low compression which would be 100% on the bar. Oddly the lower the number percentage wise the higher the compression. Have you tried burning at 4x and seeing if you still have the glitches on playback. Remember players also run on fw and older ones may not play newer media. My old Apex will not play DL yet my older Toshiba will, sometimes depending on the mfr.
@cincyrob When clonedvd2 quality bar is 100% the transcoder is disabled and you will have the same quality as the original. The higher the percentage the better the picture quality will be so getting 90% means less compression = better picture quality Now if you had a film with 50% I would advise to split the movie into 2 discs or use dvd-rebuilder.
havent tried burning at a lower rate. this just starte this past weekend. on my last 3 burns.i have 3 dvd players and a ps2 ive tried them on all the different players and the same result. like i said after the first time of this happening i take them out wiope them off and they have played fine. guess i should wipe them first huh? but its not good to keep wipeing the disc right?
Try a shot of air in your burner if wiping the disk corrects the problem, it may be dust in the burner. Edit: a good t-shirt wipe on a disk won't hurt, that what t-shirts were made for