i tryed backing it up with dvd shrink but i wouldn't work. then i tried using dvd decrypter and then use dvd shrink and it still didn;t work. anyone with any suggestions please let me knoe.
Hey sa3cha0, I may be having the same problem right now! It gets to the HD with DVD Decrypter but then in DVDShrink when I click re-author and go to the folder, click on chicken little I don't see anything?! But it is there when I go to that folder.? Is that what you get? Let me know, I'll keep you up to date on my progress. Good luck!
Backed up Chicken Little using CloneDvd2, along with AnyDvd in the background. Recode 2 and Shrink both had an issue, so I ran the video files through Vob Blanker and basically blanked the bad vob files and then ran those through Recode 2 and it was perfect. I also did one through Shrink and again perfect. Watched the ones done through Recode 2 and Shrink (Yes, I liked the movie!) and both were identical and played flawlessly. CloneDvd 2 was perfect and I knew it would be...awesome piece of software. It actually fixes the problems (at least it says it is fixing the truncated vob files or something like that). Hope this helps. MovieDud
okay i figured out what i did wrong. i decryted as the wrong file. well this is what i did: used dvd decryte and decryted it as an .iso file then i opend dvd shrink and opened the file where the .iso file was and i clicked and drages th iso file into dvd shrink and it worked.