I am having some SERIOUS problems with my microsoft dashboard on my XBox. For some reason whenever I try to copy a song to the hard drive it tells me that there isn't enough room on the hard drive. Yet when I run EVOX, it tells me that there is 12.271.616 space on the E Drive. What happened was I downloaded a program called VXCR that was supposed to let me FTP music from my PC to my XBox. This way I can use them as custom tracks in my video games. But instead of doing what it was supposed to do, it has caused me all kinds of trouble. When I connect my box to my PC it tells me there is no folders at all in my XBox Soundtracks list. Yet when I run my XBox on Microsoft Dashboard it shows me a folder that is empty. The folder's name is WWE. I can't delete it or anything. Does ANYONE have ANY ideas what the crap is wrong here and how I might be able to fix this mess? It's REALLY starting to drive me crazy!!! Thanks in advance.
A quick read through the forum thats linked from the VXCR download page and you would have discovered the program in question has been broken since FEBRUARY. You may wish to consider re-installing your MS Dash
I wasn't aware of that. I did a search on google and found the program and tried it out. If it's got problems, then why doesn't the guy take his site down? Not everyone checks these forums before trying something on their XBox. I fixed the problem though. Thanks for your "help". Does anyone know anyway I can upload music tracks to my XBox Hard Disk? I have a burned CD-R and a burned DVD+R. Microsoft Dashboard doesn't recognize either of the two disks. I can't FTP the music over because when I do it shows up anywhere but the XBox Hard Disk. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Use a DVD-R instead it works... I had to take 86 Cds off to mod a guys Xbox, so I just burned them all on 2 DVD-Rs and he was able to keep his music and play them in the XBMC.
So what you're saying is that the Microsoft Dashboard will copy music files off of a burned DVD-R? That sounds simple enough. I will give it a try this evening and see how it works. Thanks for your help.
No, thats not what I am saying...the MS dash will only read real music CDs, at least thats how mine functions. However, you could listen to music that is burned to a DVD-R when you use the XBMC.