Hi, I have an .avi (Friday 13th.avi) which is using video codec: DivX v3 ;-) MPEG-4 (Low-Motion) and audio is: MPEG Layer-3 and when I put it into nero it goes well over to RED! its 705mb and is it possible to fit it on one 80min? its 1hr 32min... I have burnt an AVI before which was Xvid mpeg4 and went on there fine and that was 717mb and went onto 1 CD perfectly.. CAN ANYBODY PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks...
From TMPGenc's Wizard: 'approximately 70 min of movie can fit ona 650 MB CD-R'. The calculation must be done on the .MPG, non on the .AVI. Of course, a data CD, even if it contains less space than a VCD (2048 bytes/sector instead of 2336 bytes/sector, for approx. 360,000 sectors) but the space must be calculated just on the 'file size' and HERE a good codec (Divx; , Xvid) can be useful. On a VCD there's no similar trick because the .MPG is standard. It's encoded in MPEG-1 without compression tricks or whatever.