I just bought a Kworld Xpert DVD Maker PCI card, and I'm getting some quality issues when capturing AND previewing. The problem seems to be specific to each tape (set of tapes). Some of them are of a show that's in black and white, and the preview card will show a blurry wave in some spots of the show, especially during brighter (large white areas) or outside scenes. Also, some cartoons I have in color will display the colors correctly, but will flicker and turn green/purple for a split second. When playing them to my TV, all the tapes look great. I think both of the tapes have some sort of copy protection, but I'm sure the Kworld cards don't recognize it. Anyone here have this card, and experience similar problems? If you need more detailed info, just let me know.
I forgot to mention that I tried different capturing software as well. The problems occur when using PowerProducer Gold 2, PVR-PLUS and Virtual VCR. Also, the issues are consistant with the scenes in the tape. They always happen in the same place, although not when playing to the TV. :-/
Are these tapes old or were they used often (worn)? If yes then it maybe that the capture card is picking up the wear of the tapes. Probably the best way to fix this is to get a VCR with TBC to stabilise the bad parts of the tapes. Unfortunately these VCRs are expensive (well compared to a normal VCR) and start at about $250 and go up from there. When playing on a TV anomalies are usually discarded while capture cards are usually more sensitive to these.
The tapes are first generation copies and have been barely played. I tried out some non-VHS sources today, and got some weird results as well. My Playstation looked fine, but I also hooked up a Sega Genesis and got the weird blurry/wavy lines. I'm at a loss with this. :-(
I got some higher end cables to hook up to my capture card, and it seemed to clean up the blurry lines a bit, but I'm still getting the flickering color issues with my anime tapes (chroma errors?). A friend is loaning me an external box that is supposed to clean up video some maybe it will help. Any other advice/suggestions?
to flakbeard-cyberlink has upgraded theis software from powerproducer-2 to powerproducer-3.go to gocyberlink.com and check out this upgrade to see if any of the issues you are experienceing has been resolved by this upgrade.