Okay, so I go to the "image burning wizard", I choose my .MDS file, I hit "next" and make sure all the settings are right then click "start" and this problem arises: http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/2265/image13jk.jpg So I go to the "CD/DVD Manager" and check my drive and everything is fine: http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/6614/image25ru.jpg Now everything should be working, right? I mean, it basically is telling me that there's a DVD in the drive, and that it's empty, all whilst it's waiting for me to put a DVD in... I'm so puzzled... I've never used Alcohol 120% for DVD's before, I usually use DVD Decrypter, so if anyone could help me I'd really appreciate that, thanks.
I just noticed I didn't really explain the problem, in case you didn't understand through the picture the problem is it's telling me to insert a DVD into the drive, which I do (and is empty) but it just doesn't read it. I've tried other programs, and they pick the DVD's up just fine, I have made another copy which is working fine.
Have you updated your DVD firmware for your burner or sometimes the media (DVD's) are the problem. What type are you using.
Well, I don't really know much about the firmware, I would have no clue how do update it, but I'll have a search. As for the DVD's, they're a HP brand (DVD+R) I've made a couple of back-ups using the same DVD's in DVD Decrypter and they worked fine.