having trouble burnig please help

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by acidmitch, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. acidmitch

    acidmitch Guest

    ok i renteed the great escape and a dl dvd decrypter and dvd shrink i dycrepted it then burnt it to disc useing the dvd shrink nut it wont play on any player i just burnt the files that all of the movie files are in how do i get jus t the movie on dvd so i can play it on any dvd player please help on 5 days till there overdue
  2. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    use those programs u listed but to burn it use CloneDVD or if u just want the movie use Decyripter and burn it to C;\ and then just use CloneDVD to burn just the movie file.


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