i have a modded wii have been having a lot of trouble burning the isos. i tried them on 2x 4x max i would get can not read disk some would start then go can not read disk. i had about 1 out of six work. so my burner would only burn to a speed of 4x because of it's age,so i bought a new burner. i talked to the person who installed my we he suggested to burn on max not a lot of luck there either. he suggested to copy a iso off of 1 of the games that work and reburn it proving the iso was ok. it worked. i have been using bittorent bitlord any suggestion or help would be appreciated
Not much to say except the obvious. Find a media the wii likes and stick to it. Try some of the higher quality media, such as Sony, Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, etc,etc.
I understand what you're saying. I had similar problems in the past. Sometimes, it just turned out that the image was bad. In general, try burning at 1/2 the rated speed, If the media is 16x, burn it at 8x. Also, if Verbatim has been successful in the past, stick with it. Try using Imgburn to burn the ISO.