I have downloaded a hd mp4 sample, just to see what it looks like on my pc. However every 5secs or so ,it lags for half a second. I red somewhere that some new pc's also have this problem, so what specs do you have to have so this does not occur ? Also I want to know ,if I convert this mp4 to a avi file, will my tv dvd player also lag ? I have never played 1720 x 1400 resolution on my dvd player, so I would not know.
Open the task manager and check the cpu utilization during the playback. If it's near 100%, you're maxing out.
you should not see any lag on a DVD player because to play that file, you would have to convert it to DVD specs. Also, it is not resolution that is the problem with lag, it is the bit rate of the file. and that is a strange resolution anyway 1720 x 1400 ??