I had bought an already modded Xbox, the guy said it had a 200 GB HD installed on it, and I was wondering how many backups can be stored on this size of a hard drive. I tried backing up a game, and it said that there wasn't enough HD space to do the backup. There could be other partitions but I don't know how to browse through them. Any help would be great. Thanks
You can fit alot. Back them up on "F" drive and/or "G" drive. If you are using DVD2XBOX then go into the settings and make the change. (white or black button i think to get into the settings) Odds are you are attempting to put them on "E" drive, not much space there. post back.
what dashboard you have? so you can see throught file manager/explore and determine your size currently to maximum.... you should update your softmod with something more acruate .... i have a 200gb hd but remember it all DEPENDS ON EACH GAME .... some games like pgr2 for xbox 1 are like 6 +gb yep 6+ gb ... and some games like pac man collectino is cd size ... while halo 2 is like 4-5 gbs... so each game varys alot of things.. i currently have 40 games i belive and on my E i got less then 1 gb(i have emus and lots of roms on this part) on F i got about less then 50% ( thats where most of my games are ) and on MY G i got about 75 % ( this is also a part where i have my games)
There are alot of non sense games on it already including halo 2 and many others. im not sure on the dashboard, but i will try to figure out which one it is. could it be avalaunch? that might be on there. there are alot of apps and other games (maybe 45) on it also. i will get more info thanks!
yeah, and what modchip do you have. and i suggest not screwing around and going through the files and what ever you do don't go to format drive until you what your doing because a lot of people have screwed up their xbox that way...well at least that's what i did and it was a pain
it also depends on what type of games are on there. If they are all regular games and not old games played through an emulator then 45 may be all you can get on it. 200GB should hold about 50 games if each one was 4GB in size, which some games are not, and some games like Halo 2 are bigger. Your dashboard should show the availble space left on the HDD also the file explorer can tell you this, plus tell you which folder that games that are there now are on. Which is where you want to put the new one as well